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Pomegranate tree
Punica protopunica is considered to be the precursor to the pomegranate and is the only other species in the Punica genus. It differs from the pomegranate in having pink flowers and smaller, less sweet fruit. The fruit when ripe are yellow-green in color.The rind of the fruit and the bark of the pomegranate tree is used as a traditional remedy against diarrhea, dysentery and intestinal parasites. The seeds and juice are considered a tonic for the heart and throat, and classified as a bitter-astringent (pitta or fire) component under the Ayurvedic system, and considered a healthful counterbalance to a diet high in sweet-fatty (kapha or earth) components. More
Pomegranate Tree discussed in Daleys Newsletter http://www.crfg.org/pubs/ff/pomegranate. More
pomegranate trees will grow well in alkaline soils that would kill most plants. They are cold hardy through Zone 7. Willis Orchard Company offers the four top pomegranate varieties for your home orchard. More