Original source: Plants of Hawaii, Image 050729-3125 from http://www.hear.org/starr/plants/images/image/?q=050729-3125
Author: Forest & Kim Starr

Permission: Some rights reserved
Chamaesyce kuwaleana
Euphorbia kuwaleana Like other Hawaiian euphorbs, this plant is known locally as `akoko. It is a federally listed endangered species of the United States.Status rationale for Chamaesyce kuwaleana: Chamaesyce kuwaleana is endemic to the island of O'ahu, Hawaii. The species occurs only on a series of ridges at the northern end of Lualualei Valley in the Waianae Mountains of O'ahu. This series of ridges covers a distance of only 4 km. The estimated 2,000 existing plants are threatened by alien plants and fire. Threats for Chamaesyce kuwaleana: 2.1 Citations for Chamaesyce kuwaleana: NatureServe. 2003. More
* Chamaesyce kuwaleana is an Example of: * Endangered species * Spatially disjoint object type * Species * Threatened organism type by existential threat level Click Here to Add a Comment More
Chamaesyce kuwaleana and Isodendrion pyrifolium. We excluded the proposed critical habitat for I. pyrifolium, a multi-island species. More