Diospyros trisulca
Range for Diospyros trisulca: Only a single location is known where the species occurs on Mt. Mandjlia. IUCN Status for Diospyros trisulca: VU D1 ver 2.3 (1994) Year of Assessment for Diospyros trisulca: 1998 Evaluation for Diospyros trisulca: Jaffr, T. et al. IUCN History for Diospyros trisulca: 1997Citations for Diospyros trisulca: Bouchet, P., Jaffre, T. and Veillon, J. 1995. Plant extinction in New Caledonia: protection of sclerophyll forests urgently needed. Biodiversity and Conservation 4: 415-428. More