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include the "true grasses", of the Poaceae (or Gramineae) family, as well as the sedges (Cyperaceae) and the rushes (Juncaceae). The true grasses include cereals, bamboo and the grasses of lawns (turf) and grassland. Sedges include many wild marsh and grassland plants, and some cultivated ones such as water chestnut (Eleocharis dulcis) and papyrus sedge (Cyperus papyrus). More
Dictionary: grass (gr?s) pronunciation Home > Library > Literature & Language > Dictionary grass Click here for more free books! n. 1. a. The grass family. b. The members of the grass family considered as a group. 2. More
GRASS in the Press Bug/Feature trackers Donate via PayPal. More
The grass is long ? L'herbe est haute. More