Picture of the has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike.
Original source: Macrozamia moorei Botanical Garden, Palermo, 2006 Photo by tato grasso
Original source: Macrozamia moorei Botanical Garden, Palermo, 2006 Photo by tato grasso

Picture of the has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial.
Permission: Some rights reserved
Permission: Some rights reserved
Macrozamia moorei
It is the tallest-growing species of Macrozamia, growing to 7 m tall with a trunk 50-80 cm diameter. It has keeled leaves up to 2.5 m long, with short petioles bearing numerous spines, and 120-220 leaflets, each leaflet 20-35 cm long and 5-10 mm broad.Macrozamia moorei is a cycad in the family Zamiaceae, native to Queensland (Australia). It is the tallest-growing species of Macrozamia, growing to 7 m tall with a trunk 50-80 cm diameter. It has keeled leaves up to 2.5 m long, with short petioles bearing numerous spines, and 120-220 leaflets, each leaflet 20-35 cm long and 5-10 mm broad. More
macrozamia moorei qui peut m aider je souhaiterais savoir si certain fou l on en terre :?: Samedi 12.12.2009 18:20 Profil Envoyer un e-mail Sim01En ligne Inscription: Mardi 09.12. More