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Original source: self-made
Author: Purves, M.
Permission: GNU Free Documentation License

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Permission: Some rights reserved
Wood's cycad
It is palm tree like, and can reach a height of 6 metres . The trunk is about 30–50 centimetres in diameter, thickest at the bottom, and topped by a crown of 50–150 leaves. The leaves are glossy and dark green, 150–250 centimetres in length, and keeled with 70–150 leaflets, the leaflets falcate , 13–15 centimetres long and 20–30 millimetres broad.Kew today - Wood's cycad produces cones for only the second time at Kew! = Encephalartos woodii is one of the world's rarest plants, and this species now exists only in botanic gardens. * Like this * Close Thanks for liking this page. Tell us why by adding a comment at the bottom. More