Encephalartos dyerianus
ENCEPHALARTOS DYERIANUS: A large South African species with deep blue leaves, very rare in cultivation. We cater for rare african cycads and the Encephalartos species is well catered for at Peter Heibloem's Cycad Gardens of Eudlo. More
Do you have a photograph of Encephalartos dyerianus to put on this page? Please send it to Pieter van der Walt - back to the topDescription The stems are well-developed and robust, unbranched but often suckering from the base. Stems can be up to 3m or occasionally 6m tall and 300mm to 400mm in diameter. Plants have numerous leaves, arranged in a dense crown. Leaves are conspicuously glaucous ("blue"), straight and rigid. Length varies from 1. More
Encephalartos dyerianus in habitat - Lillie Cycad Reserve. More