Genus Saxegothaea

It is a slow-growing, long-lived evergreen tree growing to 15-25 m tall, with a trunk up to 1 m in diameter.

Species in the genus Saxegothaea of plants

Saxegothaea - It is a slow-growing, long-lived evergreen tree growing to 15-25 m tall, with a trunk up to 1 m in diameter. The bark is thin and flaky to scaly, dark purple-brown. The leaves are arranged in an irregular spiral; they are lanceolate, 1.5-3 cm long, 2 mm broad, fairly hard with a prickly spine tip, dark green above, and with two glaucous blue-white stomatal bands below. The cones are 1 cm long, with 15-20 soft scales; usually only 2-4 scales on each cone are fertile, bearing a single seed 3 mm in diameter.