Parasitaxus ustus

It is generally mentioned that Parasitaxus usta is the only known parasitic gymnosperm. The species remarkably lacks roots and is always found attached to the roots of Falcatifolium taxoides . However, the question is still left open, as the plant is in any case not a haustorial parasite, which is usually the case with angiosperms. Certain experts therefore consider the plant as a myco-heterotroph.

Caledonian conifer, Parasitaxus ustus , which forms a bizarre graft-like attachment to the roots of another conifer Falcatifolium taxoides . Yet, the degree of resource dependence of Parasitaxus on Falcatifolium has remained speculative. Here we show that Parasitaxus is definitively parasitic, but it displays a physiological habit unlike any known angiosperm parasite. Despite possessing chloroplasts, it was found that the burgundy red shoots of Parasitaxus lack significant photosynthetic electron transport. More

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