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Original source: Own work: http://www.cirrusimage.com/tree_eastern_hemlock.htm
Author: Bruce Marlin
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Eastern hemlock

The eastern hemlock grows well in shade and is very long lived, with the oldest recorded specimen being at least 554 years old.

The eastern hemlock grows well in shade and is very long lived with the oldest recorded specimen being at least 554 years old. The tree generally reaches heights of about 31 metres (100 feet), but exceptional trees have been recorded up to 53 metres (173 feet). The diameter of the trunk at breast height is often 1.5 metres (5 feet), but again, outstanding trees have been recorded up to 1.75 meters (6 feet). The trunk is usually straight and monopodial, but very rarely is forked. More

Eastern Hemlock, A Common Tree in North America = Tsuga canadensis, A Top 100 Common Tree in North America - By Steve Nix, About.com Guide See More About: * eastern hemlock * tsuga canadensis Eastern hemlock has a nodding" form defined by it's limbs and leaders and can be recognized at great distances. More

eastern hemlock was adopted June 22, 1931. More