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Original source: Own work: http://www.cirrusimage.com/tree_table_mountain_pine.htm
Author: Bruce Marlin
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Table mountain pine

Pinus pungens is a tree of modest size , and has a rounded, irregular shape. The needles are in bundles of two, occasionally three, yellow-green to mid green, fairly stout, and 4–7 cm long.The pollen is released early compared to other pines in the area to minimize hybridization. The cones are very short-stalked , ovoid, pale pinkish to yellowish buff, and 4–9 cm long; each scale bears a stout, sharp spine 4–10 mm long. Sapling trees can bear cones in a little as 5 years.

The Table Mountain Pine (Pinus pungens) is a small pine native to the Appalachian Mountains in the United States. It is a tree of modest size (6-12 m), and has a rounded, irregular shape. The needles are in bundles of two, occasionally three, yellow-green to mid green, fairly stout, and 4-7 cm long.The pollen is released early compared to other pines in the area to minimize hybridization. More

Flowering and Fruiting- Table Mountain pine is monoecious. Cones are commonly seen on trees of sapling size and minimum seed-bearing age is 5 years. More