Pinus nelsoni

Pinus nelsonii is exceptional. Evidence from three nuclear genes and cpDNA resolve P. nelsonii as sister lineage to the remaining members of sect. Parrya. In contrast, the LEA-like locus used in this study places P. nelsonii in a unique, moderately supported position sister to sect. Quinquefoliae when midpoint rooting is employed.

Pinus nelsoni is a species of conifer in the Pinaceae family. More

Pinus nelsonii (Nelson's Pinyon), is a species of pine native to the mountains of northeastern Mexico, in Nuevo León, San Luis Potosí and Tamaulipas at 1,800–3,200 m altitude. It has very singular characteristics and is not closely related to any other pines in either morphology or genetics. It is placed in subgenus Strobus either in its own section Nelsonia or subsection Nelsoniae. "Pinus nelsonii is exceptional. More