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Sand pine

The leaves are needle-like, in pairs, 5–10 cm long, and its cones are 4–8 cm long. Over much of its range, it is fire-adapted to stand-replacing wildfires, with the cones remaining closed for many years , until a natural forest fire kills the mature trees and opens the cones. These then reseed the burnt ground. Some populations differ in having cones that open at maturity, with seed dispersal not relying on fires.

The staff of Sand Pine Elementary School believes that in order to develop life long learners the school must challenge the intellect and guide emotional growth through innovative strategies to meet the needs of the whole child. We will work with parents and the community to promote high academic standards and develop programs that support an environment that enables each individual student to reach their highest potential. Sand Pine Elementary is a Pasco County School. More

Sand pine has two needles per bundle sheath Rebekah D. Wallace 5411793 Foliage Rebekah D. Wallace 5411775 Foliage Rebekah D. More

Sand pine grows best in deep, well-drained, sandy soils. It thrives in acidic, infertile sites and may be found along ridges and hillsides or in upland, open wooded areas. Photos Click on thumbnails to see a larger image in a new window. Close the window to return to this page. More