Russian Juniper

'Juniperus semiglobosa is an evergreen coniferous shrub or small to medium-sized tree growing to 5–15 metres ) tall, with a trunk up to 1.2 metres ) diameter with flaky bark. The leaves are of two forms, juvenile needle-like leaves 3–7 mm long on seedlings and occasionally on adult plants, and adult scale-leaves 1–2 mm long on older plants; they are arranged in decussate opposite pairs or whorls of three.

shrubs such as Siberian cypress (also called Russian juniper) can serve as ground cover. Winter is a good time to check the garden for large bare-soil areas that would benefit from ground-cover plantings. Areas with chronic weed problems or where existing ground cover is struggling are also candidates. So are areas where moss is taking over lawn. Note the soil, light and weeds that are present, and then look through garden publications for plants that match the growing conditions. More