Commicarpus simonyi

Status rationale for Commicarpus simonyi: Common in several vegetation types and under no present or perceived threat. Threats for Commicarpus simonyi: 0 IUCN Citation for Commicarpus simonyi: Miller, A. 2004. Commicarpus simonyi. In: IUCN 2006. 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. . Downloaded on 25 September 2006. More

Commicarpus simonyi and a fantastic slab of limestone pavement with the odd gem growing among the grikes such as deep blue Trichodesma microcalyx. Mid-morning saw us driving across an area of dark rubbley limestone with scattered clumps of Caralluma socotrana though none in flower and stands of the ever present Dracaena cinnabari. As we dropped down into Wadi Daerhu there were some very fine Bottle Trees in flower overlooking the plunging gorge of the wadi. More