Original source: Freaky Plant
Author: Ash from Northern Virginia, USA
Rhipsalis crispata
Images Rhipsalis crispata flower buds and flower Rhipsalis crispata flower buds and flower Species related by - * Family group * Habitat * * View image slideshow * Link to this image * Email to a friend * * MyARKive menu header More
Rhipsalis crispata (Hawarth) Pfeiffera is one of the flat-leafed epiphytic species. It has smooth to slightly serrated edges, called crenations, and its cream to yellow flowers and white fruit appear at the serrations. Sometimes a new leaf segment will grow from one of the crenations. Ends of a stem segment can be somewhat blunt. Yellowish flowers; white fruits. From Sao Paulo and Rio de Janiero. * Plant - branches divided into short flat joints 6 to 10 cm. More