Discocactus zehntneri
Accepted Scientific name: Discocactus zehntneri Britton & Rose 1922 Subfamily: Cactoideae tribe: Trichocereeae. Origin: Bahia Southern Brazil (South America) Habitat: It is native to Brazil’s tropical forests and grows on quartz substrates. Conservation status: Listed in CITES appendix 1.These species are threatened with extinction. Common English Names include: Squash Cactus, Moon cactus. Synonyms (of Discocactus zehentneri): * Discocactus zehntneri ssp. More
Synonym(s): Discocactus zehntneri Britton & Rose 1922, Discocactus zehntneri ssp araneispinus and zehntneri ssp boomianus Echeverias for Sale in the USA Conservatories for Sale in the UK (EU) More