Coryphantha vogtherriana
Concerning tubercle-grooves Coryphantha vogtherriana shows a particularity, known from Ortegocactus and within the genus Coryphantha only from Coryphantha guerkeana (ZIMMERMAN 1985), Coryphantha ottonis und Coryphantha maiz-tablasensis: the relatively large tubercles may occur without or with a very short groove only, even in floriferous, adult plants. Development of grooves often starts in very old plants only, a long time after their first bloom. This characteristic was mentioned by WERDERMANN & B More
Information on Coryphantha vogtherriana is currently being researched and written and will appear here shortly... More 2 Images 0 videos * Thumbnail for Cumarinia odorata (Cactus) Cactus (Cumarinia odorata) - Information on Cumarinia odorata is currently being researched and written and will appear here shortly... More