Scalesia affinis

It is one of the most widely distributed Scalesia species and occurs on four major islands: Fernandina Island, Isabela Island , Santa Cruz Island and Floreana Island.

species Scalesia affinis within and among islands of the Galápagos. The analysis, based on 157 polymorphic AFLP markers, revealed a high differentiation among populations, of which most was partitioned among islands. In addition, the information content of AFLP markers was tested with sets of discriminant analyses based on different numbers of AFLP markers. This indicated that the markers were highly informative in discriminating the populations. More

Scalesia affinis, a small tree with white, daisy-like flowers, on Santa Cruz island. Many are close to an area that is being built up. ... contd. More

?????????65???? ? Scalesia affinis 58 vues - il y a 9 mois jwp_bJuWedM tout afficher ???? (20) KF_zWWOn_z48:14 ????? ????????? ????????Galapagos... - 388 vues KF_zWWOn_z4 Rf6JhtNTVlM9:27 ?????????? Invaded plants in Galapagos Islands.Galapagos... More