
Taraktogenos kurzii

Chaulmoogra oil was an early treatment for leprosy. Species - (may contain synonyms) * Hydnocarpus alcalae * Hydnocarpus alpina Wight * Hydnocarpus alpina Wight var. elongata Boerl., * Hydnocarpus alpina Wight var. macrocarpa Boerl. More

Chaulmoogra oil can also come from Tarak-togenos kurzii, an allied species. Leprosy. The word has struck terror in human hearts since the beginnings of recorded history. As carriers of an incurable disease, thought to be highly communicable, lepers have been outcasts. Small wonder, for the ravages of leprosy were horrifying-in advanced cases, faces would be eaten away, bodies covered with rotting sores, fingers and toes falling off. More