Begonia furfuracea
Begonia furfuracea was first collected there by Mann in 1860, recollected many decades later by Mildbraed and then relatively recently (ca. 1960s) by Sanford and Carvalho. The Cameroonian subpopulation first came to light in the 1970s at Kondo, 40 km northwest of Bamenda, an area where most forest has now been extirpated. The species probably now has its stronghold at Kupe-Bakossi. De Wilde cites three collections from that area (De Wilde 2002: 89). More
binomial name of Begonia furfuracea, a species of plant in the Begoniaceae family? Analyse this question ? How do we know? facts… See facts… See reasoning… Reasoning I followed this chain of reasoning... More