Original source: caliban.mpiz-koeln.mpg.de/mavica/index.html part of www.biolib.de
Author: Kurt Stüber [1]
Permission: GNU Free Documentation License
Permission: Some rights reserved
Zelkova carpinifolia
It is a medium-sized to large deciduous tree growing to 20-35 m tall, with a trunk of up to 2 m in diameter. The crown is a highly distinctive vase-shape, with a short broad trunk dividing low down into numerous nearly erect branches. The leaves are alternate, 4-10 cm long and 2.5-6 cm broad, the margin bluntly serrated with 7-12 teeth on each side. The flowers are inconspicuous and greenish, with no petals, and are wind-pollinated. The fruit is a small nutlet 5-6 mm in diameter.Zelkova carpinifolia at Kew Featured Tree - * Age: 247 * Date planted: 1905 * Height: 20m Highlight on Interactive Map Three specimens were originally planted at Kew in 1760 when Zelkova were reportedly brought into cultivation in Britain. More
Zelkova carpinifolia (Zelkova or Caucasian Zelkova) is a species of Zelkova, native to the Caucasus, Kaçkar, and Alborz mountains in the extreme southeast of Europe and southwest Asia. Fruit, late autumn It is a medium-sized to large deciduous tree growing to 20-35 m tall, with a trunk of up to 2 m in diameter. The crown is a highly distinctive vase-shape, with a short broad trunk dividing low down into numerous nearly erect branches. More
plus longue il y a aussi le zelkova carpinifolia on vois pas bien la première photo et puis sa fait mal au cou. More
Zelkova carpinifolia (Zelkova or Caucasian Zelkova) is a species of Zelkova, native to the Caucasus, Kaçkar, and Alborz mountains in the extreme southeast of Europe and southwest Asia. More