Common fig
The Common Fig is widely grown for its edible fruit throughout its natural range in the Mediterranean region, Iran, Pakistan, Greece and northern India, and also in other areas of the world with a similar climate, including Louisiana, California, Georgia, Oregon, Texas, South Carolina, and Washington in the United States, south-western British Columbia in Canada, Nuevo León and Coahuila in northeastern Mexico, as well as Australia, Chile, and South Africa. Figs can also be found in continental climate with hot summer, as far north as Hungary and Moravia, and can be harvested up to three times per year. Thousands of cultivars, most unnamed, have been developed or come into existence as human migration brought the fig to many places outside its natural range. It has been an important food crop for thousands of years, and was also thought to be highly beneficial in the diet.common fig has escaped (opens a new window). More
Because of this, most gardeners grow the Common Fig in a large container. Given a large container filled with permeable soil, the tree sends its roots straight down. More
but there are a few more common fig problems that growers deal with more frequently. What are common fig tree diseases? - Root-knot Nematodes First, and most important of the problems fig trees have is Meloidogyne sp., or root-knot nematodes. These are worms that live in the soil of the fig tree and attack and eat the roots. This causes the fig roots to swell and interferes with their water and nutrient absorption. More