Populus pruinosa

and the tree Populus pruinosa are included in the Red List of IUCN. More than 250 species of birds have been recorded, among them 105 have bred. This rich avian diversity is due to the Reserve's location on the seasonal flyways of migratory birds. Among ungulates there are wild boar (Sus scrofa) in the tugai and sand (or goitred) gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa) in the desert part of the Reserve. More

and Populus Pruinosa Schrenk ??:??,???,??, ??-???? ????????JOURNAL OF ZHOUKOU NORMAL UNIVERSITY 2009? ?02? - ?????????????????????? A study on the spatial distribution and quantative characteristic of Populus euphratica and Populis pruinosa fruits ??:???,???,???,???,??,??, ??-???? ????BULLETIN OF BOTANICAL RESEARCH 2005? ?03? - ???????? ??:???, ?? ??????JOURNAL OF CHINESE URBAN FORESTRY 2009? ?04? - ???????P-V??????????? Preliminary study on water parameters of Populus euphratica and P. More