Spiraeanthus schrenkianus

Spiraeanthus schrenkianus brush species of relict types. The majority of species are endemic to the Syr-Darya Karatau ridge. Winter grains (wheat, barley), Lucerne (Medicago sativa), carthamus(Carthamus tinctorius)are cultivatedfrom domestic plants; corn, cotton (Gossypium) and cucurbitscrops are cultivatedin irrigatedareas. The most common weed species are oxtongue (Picris), Aleppo grass (Sorghum halepense), corobind (Convolvulusarvensis), Cynodon (Cynodon dactylon), and cane (Phragmites). A small massif of forest-meadow soils under tugai vegetation is in the Tamerlanovka region,Arys River bottom-land. More