Genus Pyrus

The pear is a fruit tree of genus Pyrus and also the name of the tree's edible pomaceous fruit.

Species in the genus Pyrus of plants


Pyrus anatolica - Pyrus anatolica is a species of plant in the Rosaceae family. It is endemic to Turkey.


Pyrus hakkiarica - Pyrus hakkiarica is a species of plant in the Rosaceae family. It is endemic to Turkey.


Pyrus oxyprion - Pyrus oxyprion is a species of plant in the Rosaceae family. It is endemic to Turkey.

Pyrus salicifolia - This tree is cultivated widely in gardens and landscapes. It grows well on infertile sandy soils due to its spreading root system. The trees flower in the spring, but during the rest of the year can be trimmed back and shaped almost like topiary. This species of tree is very susceptible to fireblight, a bacterial pathogen.


Pyrus serikensis - Pyrus serikensis is a species of plant in the Rosaceae family. It is endemic to Turkey.