Family Polypodiaceae
Drynariaceae Grammitidaceae Gymnogrammitidaceae Loxogrammaceae Platyceriaceae PleurisoriopsidaceaeGenera in the family Polypodiaceae of plants
Campyloneurum - Campyloneurum is a genus of ferns in family Polypodiaceae.
Leptochilus - The genus Leptochilus in biological nomenclature can refer to either:
Melpomene - In Roman and Greek poetry, it was traditional to invoke the goddess Melpomene so that one might create beautiful lyrical phrases .
Neocheiropteris - Neocheiropteris is a genus of fern in family Polypodiaceae.
Pecluma - Pecluma is a genus of fern in family Polypodiaceae.
Polypodium - Polypodium is a genus of between 75-100 species of true ferns, widely distributed throughout the world, with the highest species diversity in the tropics.
Solanopteris - Solanopteris