Endocomia rufirachis
Endocomia rufirachis — b: plural type, distally branched, of Endocomia macrocoma subsp. longipes — c: ditto of Gymnacranthera forbesii vav.forbesii — d-g: plural type, generally distally branched, of Horsfieldia, d: H. polysphenda, e: H. clavata. f: H. spicata, g: H. iryaghedhi (the latter with a strongly aberrant inflorescence within the genus Horsfieldia, the position of the first basal ramifications of the single-type partial inflorescences is often not clear) — h-k: a choice of forms of single-type inflorescences in Knema. h: K. pseudolaurina, i: K. furfuracea, j: K. More