Witch hazel

witch hazel, is used medicinally. Extracts from its bark and leaves are used in aftershave lotions and lotions for treating bruises and insect bites. Witch-hazel helps to shrink and contract blood vessels back to normal size, hence its use as the active ingredient in many hemorrhoid medications. It is also a common treatment for postnatal tearing of the perineum. The seeds contain a quantity of oil and are edible. It is also used in treating acne. More

store" witch hazel and contain alcohol. Contents - * 1 History * 2 Uses * 3 Non-medicinal uses * 4 Notes * 5 References History - Native Americans produced witch hazel extract by boiling the stems of the shrub and condensing the steam to produce a distillate. More

What does witch hazel do for your face? = * 3 years ago Report Abuse scouseryank33 by scousery... More