Family Fagaceae

The family Fagaceae, or beech family, comprises about 900 species of both evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs, which are characterized by alternate simple leaves with pinnate venation, unisexual flowers in the form of catkins, and fruit in the form of cup-like nuts.

Genera in the family Fagaceae of plants


Castanopsis - Limlia Masamune & Tomiya Pasaniopsis Kudo Shiia Makino and see text


Cyclobalanopsis - An oak is a tree or shrub in the genus Quercus , of which about 600 species exist on earth.

Fagus - Fagus may refer to:


Lithocarpus - Lithocarpus is a genus in the beech family Fagaceae, differing from Quercus in the erect male spikes.

Nothofagus - Nothofagus, also known as the southern beeches, is a genus of 35 species of trees and shrubs native to the temperate oceanic to tropical Southern Hemisphere in southern South America and Australasia .


Pasania - Lithocarpus is a genus in the beech family Fagaceae, differing from Quercus in the erect male spikes.

Quercus - An oak is a tree or shrub in the genus Quercus , of which about 600 species exist on earth.