Original source: Own work
Author: J.M.Garg
Permission: GNU Free Documentation License

Permission: Some rights reserved
Saraca asoca
Saraca asoca is a plant belonging to the Caesalpiniaceae subfamily of the legume family. It is an important tree in the cultural traditions of the Indian Subcontinent and adjacent areas.Saraca asoca tree occurs almost throughout India up-to an altitude of 750 m in the central and in the eastern Himalayas and Khasi, Garo and Lushai hills, wild in Chittagong, Bihar, Orissa, Konkan, Deccan, Mysore. It has become quite scarce in several localities and is reported to be threatened in North Eastern Region of India. HISTORY AND REFERENCE FROM CLASSICAL AYURVEDIC TEXT: The earliest chronicled mention is in the Ayurvedic treatise, the Charka Samhita (100 A.D. More
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* Saraca asoca is small evergreen tree having height up to 10 meters. It has blackish bark and reddish-brown wood; Flowers are orange to scarlet color turning into deep red in color in bunches and has a strong fragrance; Pods tapering at both ends, seeds 4-8 ellipsoid- oblong. More