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Original source: Own work
Author: Sballal
Permission: GNU Free Documentation License
Original source: Own work
Author: Sballal
Permission: GNU Free Documentation License

Picture of the has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license.
Permission: Some rights reserved
Permission: Some rights reserved
It typically grows to 6–9 m tall with a 8–10 m spread. It generally has a short, often twisted trunk and spreading branches. A 10-year-old tree will generally be around 5 m tall. The bark is dark in color, smooth, later scaly with ridges somewhat apparent, sometimes with maroon patches. The twigs are slender and zigzag, nearly black in color, spotted with lighter lenticels. The winter buds are tiny, rounded and dark red to chestnut in color. The leaves are alternate, simple, heart shaped with an entire margin, 7–12 cm long and wide, thin and papery, and may be slightly hairy below.Wikiversity has bloom time data for Cercis canadensis on the Bloom Clock * Cercis canadensis Large format diagnostic photographs and information. Morton Arboretum acc. 380-88-6 * Cercis canadensis images at bioimages.vanderbilt. More
Cercis canadensis is native to North America. Range may be expanded by planting. See states reporting eastern redbud (opens a new window). More