Pau Brasil
Caesalpinia echinata is a species of Brazilian timber tree in the pea family, Fabaceae. Common names include Brazilwood, Pau-Brasil, Pau de Pernambuco and Ibirapitanga . This plant has a dense, orange-red heartwood that takes a high shine, and it is the premier wood used for making bows for stringed instruments. The wood also yields a red dye called brazilin, which oxidizes to brazilein.Pau Brasil® - Vacanze n Brasile in Ville Prestigiose - www.paubrasil.it Vacanze in Brasile in Ville Prestigiose English Italiano Em Construçao Sponsor - Link - Area PB® Pau Brasil® - Vacanze n Brasile in Ville Prestigiose - www.paubrasil.it - Home Page Vacations Salvador Bahia General Info Booking Real Estate Who We Are Pau Brasil® - Vacanze n Brasile in Ville Prestigiose - www.paubrasil. More
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