Author: : Sten Porse
Permission: GNU Free Documentation License
Permission: Some rights reserved
Marsh Labrador tea
Rhododendron tomentosum , commonly known as Marsh Labrador tea, northern Labrador tea or wild rosemary, is a flowering plant in the subsection Ledum of the large genus Rhododendron in the family Ericaceae.* Ledum palustre = Rhododendron tomentosum Harmaja * Ledum palustre var. diversipilosum = Rhododendron diversipilosum (Nakai) Harmaja * Ledum subulatum = Rhododendron subulatum (Nakai) Harmaja Hybrids One natural hybrid also occurs: * Ledum columbianum = Rhododendron × columbianum (R. groenlandicum × R. neoglandulosum) Uses - Some species (e.g. L. More
The following is a list of health concerns for which Ledum palustre is listed as a homeopathic remedy. Refer to the individual concerns for more information. More
The following are the strongest indications of Ledum Palustre for its use in homeopathy. Entries on a white background are from Boericke's Materia Medica, other entries are from a reversed Kent's repertory. Homeopathic remedies are not the same as herbal remedies. More