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Sago Cycad
This very symmetrical plant supports a crown of shiny, dark green leaves on a thick shaggy trunk that is typically about 20 cm in diameter, sometimes wider. The trunk is very low to subterranean in young plants, but lengthens above ground with age. It can grow into very old specimens with 6–7 m of trunk; however, the plant is very slow-growing and requires about 50–100 years to achieve this height. Trunks can branch multiple times, thus producing multiple heads of leaves.The sago cycad, Cycas revoluta, is a slow-growing wild or ornamental plant. Its common names, "Sago Palm" and "King Sago Palm", are misnomers since it is actually a cycad. Cycads are gymnosperms from the family Cycadaceae; palms are angiosperms (flowering plants) from the Arecaceae. The two taxa are completely unrelated. Interestingly, cycads are also a type of living fossil, having survived since at least the early Permian period. Processed starch known as sago is made from this and other cycads. More
on a Sago Cycad and this plant only needs to be mildly fertilized. BACK TO PALM LIST For Latest prices call (760) 741-8212 All Right Reserved. Copyright © Wilkens Nursery, 2006. Wilkens Palms • 13970 San Pasqual Rd. More
Cycas revoluta ( sago cycad) is an attractive plant native to southern Japan. More