Cycas guizhouensis

Cycas guizhouensis and the Taiwanese Cycas taitungensis was created by Florida cycad guru, Robert Chumley. This has proven to be a very vigorous grower, which has so far endured only one winter outdoors for us, including many nights at 16 degrees F. While both parents are similar in appearance, the vigor of the hybrid is truly amazing. We're guessing that this will make a 3' tall x 5' wide specimen in 10 years...but then again, that's a guess. Stock is very limited, so don't dilly dally... More

Cycas guizhouensis male with reproductive cone, in cultivation Cycas guizhouensis male with reproductive cone, in cultivationPrint factsheet Facts - Kingdom Plantae Phylum Tracheophyta Class Cycadopsida Order Cycadales Family Cycadaceae Genus Cycas (1) Status - More