The stems are erect, 2-5 m tall and 16-22 cm diameter. The leaves are variably deep green and glabrous to white tomentose above, and persistently white tomentose below, 60-130 cm long, pinnate, with 210-410 leaflets. The leaflets are 5-12 cm long and 2-4 mm wide, and lie flat either side of the leaf stem . The petioles are 18-30 cm long, and armed with sharp spines at the base.Cycads are seed plants characterized by a large crown of compound leaves and a stout trunk. They are evergreen, dioecious plants having large pinnately compound leaves. They are frequently confused with and mistaken for palms or ferns, but are only distantly related to both, and instead belong to the division Cycadophyta. Cycads are found across much of the subtropical and tropical parts of the world. More
found in cycad plants; oxidized in vivo to release toxin methylazoxymethanol (MAM). Wikipedia: Cycad - Top Home > Library > Miscellaneous > Wikipedia Cycadophyta Fossil range: Early Permian–RecentPre??OSDCPTJKPgN Cycas circinalis with old and new male cones. More
* cycad at HighBeam ResearchPremium information, facts, and biographies * cycad on Wikipedia Fetching requested content. Please wait... Loading... More
The World List of Cycads, with a page for every known cycad. More