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Original source: : www.biolib.de
Permission: GNU Free Documentation License
Roystonea dunlapiana
Roystonea dunlapiana is a large palm which reaches heights of 20 metres . Stems are grey-white and about 38 centimetres in diameter. The upper portion of the stem is encircled by leaf sheaths, forming a green portion known as the crownshaft which is about 2 m long. Individuals have about 15 leaves with 4-metre rachises; the leaves hang well horizontal. The 1 m inflorescences bear white male flowers with purplish anthers; the female flowers are undescribed. Fruit are 12–14.7 millimetres long and 7.1–9.5 mm wide, and are purplish black when ripe.Roystonea dunlapiana, commonly known as yagua or cabiche is a species of palm which is native to southern Mexico and Central America. It is the only species in the genus Roystonea which is absent from the insular Caribbean. Contents - * 1 Description * 2 Taxonomy * 2. More