Cheirodendron forbesii
Nomenclatural information about Cheirodendron forbesii is provided by USDA/ARS/NGRP/GRIN. ITIS nomenclature info for Cheirodendron forbesii Nomenclatural information about Cheirodendron forbesii is provided by ITIS. Cheirodendron forbesii information from the Smithsonian's Flora of the Hawaiian Islands new posting Information about Cheirodendron forbesii-including nomenclature and synonymy, and status and distribution in Hawaii-is provided by the "Flora of the Hawaiian Islands" website of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. More
as Pipturus forbesii and Cheirodendron forbesii were named in his honour. Charles Noyes Forbes died at age 36 on... Share | more ? Wikipedia | 3 months ago Chionodoxa luciliae - ...(syn. C. forbesii, C. gigantea) or glory-of-the-snow is a bulbous perennial from Turkey flowering in early spring. After flowering, it goes into dormancy until the next spring. Like other... More