Cane rats

Cane rats

Order : Rodentia
Suborder : Hystricognathi
Family : Thryonomyidae
Genus : Thryonomys


Animals in the genus Thryonomys

Greater cane rat
Facts about the genus Thryonomys, the cane rats

'Bovine' is an ox, so, an extinct ox; 'kobus species' are African antelopes and waterbucks; 'Thryonomys' is of the order of rodents, and thryonomys swinderianus is the great cane rat, grasscutter, common today in Africa south of the Sahara, usually 1-2 feet in body length plus 3-10 inch tail, males weighing close to ten (Full text)

The Thryonomys is subordinated in the Hystricomorpha.

The pelage of cane rats is unusual, made up of coarse, flattened or grooved bristle-like hairs, and lacking underfur. (Full text)

The slaughter and consumption of meat from the forest, including snakes and primates, but also porcupines, antelope, cane rats, is a traditional activity in Equatorial Africa.

Traditionally cane rats are caught in the wild and consumed in rural areas or sold in urban markets like any other bushmeat.

Cane rats are large, ranging up to around 9 kg in weight. (Full text)

Cane rats are brown in colour, and their hard, spiny fur gives.

The cane toad is more of an environmental problem, but in terms of as a pest risk, yes the cane rats are the major vertebrate pest risk in the sugar industry. (Full text)

"Cane rats are not limited to KwaZulu-Natal and the cane-growing areas of Mpumalanga.

Greater cane rats are generally reported to be solitary animals, but small groups of 8 - 10 may live in an area of reedbed. (Full text)

Cane rats are brown in colour, and their hard, spiny fur.

Cane rats are also hunted for meat. (Full text)

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