Sperm whale

Sperm whale

Order : Cetacea
Suborder : Odontoceti
Family : Physeteridae
Genus : Physeter


Facts about the genus Physeter, the sperm whale

The sperm whale is the largest odontocete, or toothed whale.

PrintoutSperm Whale Connect-the-Dots GENERAL DESCRIPTION The sperm whale is a toothed whale that lives in pods.

While larger whales, like the Blue, may filter small animals out of the water and consume them, the sperm whale is the largest animal that hunts and eats using its teeth. (Full text)

The Pygmy Sperm Whale is widely distributed in tropical, sub-tropical, and temperate seas.

The Sperm Whale is found in all oceans of the world, and, although well-known in the Mediterranean, rarely enters semi-enclosed or shallow seas.

Introduction Kogia breviceps (or pygmy sperm whale) is one of the three known odontocete whales or toothed whales. (Full text)

The sperm whale is the largest of all toothed whales.

Also known as The Cachalot, the Great Sperm Whale is grouped with other toothed whales. (Full text)

The sperm whale is a large whale

The great Sperm Whale is the largest of the toothed whales.

The pygmy sperm whale and its relative dwarf sperm whale are the second most commonly stranded cetacean in the south eastern U. (Full text)

The Influence of Man: Small numbers of the Pygmy Sperm Whale are killed by Japanese and Indonesian small whalers, but these killings are not thought to influence world population levels.

The tail-flukes of the sperm whale are more flexible than most whale flukes. (Full text)

But Cabrera said that the two independent DNA analyses showing the blob to be a sperm whale are sufficient to render the case closed. (Full text)

STATUS Worldwide population figures for the pygmy sperm whale are unknown, but they are not considered endangered.

The groups, herds, or "schools," which are formed by the sperm whale, are of two kinds: — firstly, by the females, which are accompanied by their young and one or two adult males; and secondly, by the young and half-grown males, but the large and fully grown males always go singly in search of food: but M.


Cetaceans and Man: Small numbers of the Pygmy Sperm Whale are killed by Japanese and Indonesian small whalers, but these killings are not thought to influence world population levels.

Common names like "Sperm Whale" are not as good, because they change in different languages. (Full text)

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