Pygmy sperm whales

Pygmy sperm whales

Order : Cetacea
Suborder : Odontoceti
Family : Physeteridae
Genus : Kogia


Animals in the genus Kogia

Pygmy sperm whale
Facts about the genus Kogia, the pygmy sperm whales

Kogia is not a member of any public groups

Kogia is sometimes put in a separate family, Kogiidae

Pygmy and Dwarf Sperm Whales A few observations of live animals indicate that Kogia is rather sluggish and sometimes floats motionless on the surface.

Population size Because of the lack of sightings at sea, which may be more because of its behaviour than true abundance, and the fact that Kogia is only rarely encountered in commercial fisheries where such records are often kept, there are no real estimates of abundance for either Kogia species (Caldwell and Caldwell, 1989).

Sorta like Meta is to Shoni what Kogia is to Physeter. (Full text)

The pygmy sperm whale (genus Kogia) is a black dolphinlike whale, about 13 ft (4 m) long, of the Northern Hemisphere that lacks commercial value.

The most unique behavior of the pygmy sperm whales is they use a system of ejecting a red-ish brown fluid from their colon, called 'inking'. (Full text)

The Mote Marine Laboratory in America, which rehabilitates pygmy sperm whales, is keen for coasters' help as it has a big problem -- its whales are having trouble digesting their dinner of shallow-water squid.

The distribution and abundance of Pygmy Sperm Whales is poorly known. (Full text)

The Mote Marine Laboratory in the United States, which rehabilitates pygmy sperm whales, is grappling with a big problem - its whales are having trouble digesting their dinner of shallow-water squid.

In Florida, pygmy sperm whales are several times more likely to come ashore than dwarf sperm whales.

Habitat: Pygmy Sperm Whales are oceanic animals, moving across and over the continental shelf to feed.

Dwarf and Pygmy sperm whales Dwarf and Pygmy sperm whales The dwarf and pygmy sperm whales are the only two extant species in the family Kogiidae, and as their name suggests they are small compared to their distant cousin the sperm whale.

Pygmy sperm whales are thought to be shy, slow-moving animals. (Full text)

Pygmy sperm whales are a deep-water species and normally don’t swim into shallow water unless they’re distressed.

Pygmy sperm whales are one of the most commonly stranded species reported along the southeastern coast of the United States.

Kogia breviceps AKA: lesser cachalot, lesser sperm whale, short-headed sperm whale Pygmy sperm whales are dark blue to (Full text)

Pygmy sperm whales are rarely seen and their numbers and habits are not well known. (Full text)

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