African dormice

African dormice

Order : Rodentia
Suborder : Sciurognathi
Family : Myoxidae
Subfamily : Graphiurinae
Genus : Graphiurus


Facts about the genus Graphiurus, the African dormice

African dormice are commonly kept as an exotic pet in the U.

A possible scenario for the evolution of zygomasseteric construction in Graphiurus is discussed.

Because African Dormice are becoming so popular lately, they tend to be bred domestically and are good family pets.

com/group/dormice/message/768 Hi, the African Dormice are not covered by the endangered species acts - their Re: location query?

Graphiurus is more recent, with the colonization of Africa by this lineage estimated at approximately 8-10 Mya.

The average lifespan of African Dormice is between 4 and 6 years in captivity.

Information on the various species of Graphiurus is found in scientific journals and in local handbooks, but is not readily available. (Full text)

View Thread - Alexiel on Jul 14, 2002, 7:15 PM African dormice are so CUTE! (Full text)

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