High mountain voles

High mountain voles

Order : Rodentia
Suborder : Sciurognathi
Family : Muridae
Subfamily : Arvicolinae
Genus : Alticola


Facts about the genus Alticola, the high mountain voles

Anthurium alticola is known from Panama and Colombia at elevations of 1,300 to 1,900 m in tropical wet, premontane rain, and lower montane

boueti alticola is a butterfly you only find in bambouforest over 2000m altitude.

Moraea alticola is a plant from the higher parts of the Drakensberg Mountains in South Africa and also is found in Lesotho.

huttonii less attractive to my tastes, so have less interest in hardiness, but M alticola is a handsome looking species indeed and possibly even hardier. (Full text)

1,000-2,499 decreasing 9,900 km2 Yes Range & population Poospiza alticola is restricted to the high Andes of north-central Peru (south Cajamarca, east La Libertad and east Ancash), where it is largely rare to uncommon1. (Full text)

alticola is an Albertine Rift endemic. (Full text)

Orchesella alticola is most frequently found on the summits and upper slopes of mountains. (Full text)

According to the AOU (1983), the wintering range of alticola is largely unknown, but it has been recorded in December from Arizona. (Full text)

Alticola is intermediate in size between rubescens and pacificus. (Full text)

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