Kangaroo mice

Kangaroo mice

Order : Rodentia
Suborder : Sciurognathi
Family : Heteromyidae
Subfamily : Dipodomyinae
Genus : Microdipodops


Facts about the genus Microdipodops, the kangaroo mice

Franck The Kangaroo mouse (Genus Microdipodops) is one of the North American rodents which remains poorly studied at the ecological and evolutionary level.

A related genus, Microdipodops, is called the kangaroo mouse, or dwarf kangaroo rat.

Discussion--Microdipodops is most similar to Perognathus but can be distinguished dentally by the molars having a single enamel loop as opposed to the biloph nature of Perognathus molars.

The Mono Basin kangaroo mice are separated from the principle eastern and western distributional units of the species by more than 100 km of unsuitable habitat.

Kangaroo mice are nocturnal, and are most active in the two hours following sunset. (Wiki)

Kangaroo mice are solitary animals and are aggressive toward one another.

39% and the two species of kangaroo mice are separated by 8. (Full text)

Kangaroo mice are capable of entering torpor at very high, or very low, temperatures (Ingles 1965).

Dark kangaroo mice are nocturnal and are primarily active during warm weather, remaining in underground burrows during the day and during the cold winter months. (Full text)

In warm deserts, reptiles and kangaroo mice are able to live.

Kangaroo mice are 148 -177 mm long, 68 -103 mm tall and from 10 -17 grams in weight. (Full text)

There are many types of bugs that just make their way into your life - fortunately, mosquitoes are not one of them, however, kangaroo mice are.

Kangaroo mice are everywhere. (Full text)

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