Common opossums

Common opossums

Order : Didelphimorphia
Family : Didelphidae
Subfamily : Didelphinae
Genus : Didelphis


Animals in the genus Didelphis

White-eared opossum
Southern opossum
Virginia opossum
Facts about the genus Didelphis, the common opossums

"Didelphis" is Greek for "Double Womb" while "Marsupialis" is Latin for "of the Pouch".

" Didelphis is from two Greek words, di meaning two or double and delphys meaning womb.

  The name Didelphis is made up of the two Greek words “di”, and “delphys” which stand for “two wombs” referring to the female opossums paired reproductive tract.

Didelphis is a marsupial.

Didelphis is an opossum, employed in Mullein Fields' most famous industry: making Marching-Band hats.

Scientific name: The genus name Didelphis is from the Greek prefix di (two) and the Greek word delphys (womb), or "two wombs," a reference to the paired reproductive tract of female opossums.

The genus Didelphis is from the Greek dis (twice) + delphys (womb) = (two wombs), in reference to the paired reproductive tract of females found in North America's only marsupial.

" Didelphis is from two Greek words, di meaning two or double and delphys meaning womb. (Full text)

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