Bottlenose dolphin

Bottlenose dolphin

Order : Cetacea
Suborder : Odontoceti
Family : Delphinidae
Genus : Tursiops


Animals in the genus Tursiops

Bottlenosed dolphin
Facts about the genus Tursiops, the bottlenose dolphin

The genus Tursiops is distinguished by the short, well-defnined snout or beak which is about 8 cm long and apparently resembles the top of an old-fashioned gin bottle.

Bio/Info: TURSIOPS is a rock band inspired by a variety of classic rock bands as well as some new ones.

tursiops is not a member of any public groups (Full text)

Tursiops is not a member of any public groups (Full text)

The genus Tursiops is polymorphic and at least 20 species have been described (Mead and Potter 1990).

00 Item number: 87-403 The name Tursiops is from the scientific classification for the Bottlenose Dolphin, Tursiops Truncatus.

Tursiops is a member of the Order Cetacea, Suborder Odontoceti, Family Delphinidae. (Full text)

The fragrance TURSIOPS is as enticing as the legend of the free spirited Dolphin in all its magical splendor.

The bottlenose dolphin is perhaps one of the most well known cetaceans, because of its widespread use in marine parks and research facilities.

Description: Made famous by the television show Flipper, the Bottlenose Dolphin is a large, robust animal with a slightly hooked broad dorsal fin.

Distribution: The bottlenose dolphin is found worldwide in tropical and temperate waters.

The exact worldwide population of the bottlenose dolphin is not known. (Full text)

Bottlenose Dolphin is available from Bestprices. (Full text)

Population: The exact worldwide population of the bottlenose dolphin is not known.

The bottlenose dolphin is a sea mammal.

The bottlenose dolphin is a mammal.

The bottlenose dolphin is the only cetacean for which census techniques have yielded useful population estimates in the Gulf of Mexico. (Full text)

The Bottlenose Dolphin is a [CITIES-listed Endangered Species]

Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin are seen at Assateague as they jump out of the waves while riding the surf. (Full text)

Scientists say many of the superlative humankind has attached to bottlenose dolphin are undeserved.

The predators of the bottlenose dolphin are the big tiger shark, the bull shark, and the orca. (Full text)

Bottlenose Dolphin are very commonly seen along the coast of California and are often very close to shore.

Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin are seen at Assateague as they jump out of the waves while riding .

Threats: Accidental capture in fishing nets, pollution, hunting, capture for public display Video and Sound Clips of the Bottlenose Dolphin are available, select (Full text)

… Dolphin (Scroll down to view dolphin images) … DOLPHINS, Photos & Facts by Rico Leffanta The most familiar dolphin face is that of the Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops … Bottlenose dolphin are friendly, and readily co-operate in performing stunts.

… Bottlenose dolphin are friendly, and readily co-operate in performing stunts.

The enemies of the bottlenose dolphin are sharks and killer whales.

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