African linsang

African linsang

Order : Carnivora
Family : Viverridae
Subfamily : Viverrinae
Genus : Poiana


Animals in the genus Poiana

African linsang
Facts about the genus Poiana, the African linsang

· Poiana is situated at 13 km of Brasov and 186 km from Bucharest.

Poiana is situated at 13 km of Brasov and 186 km from Bucharest.

The other genet-like taxa constitute a strongly supported monophyletic African group, in which the African linsang is sister-group to the genets.

Poiana is referred in all SKI directories. (Full text)

Poiana is situated at 13 km from Brasov and 186 km from Bucharest. (Full text)

The average altitude of Poiana is 1030 m, the highest peak Postavarul (Full text)

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