

Order : Artiodactyla
Family : Bovidae
Subfamily : Cephalophinae
Genus : Cephalophus


Animals in the genus Cephalophus

Blue duiker
Natal duiker
Black duiker
Zebra duiker
Facts about the genus Cephalophus, the duikers

A striking peculiarity of the duikers in the genus Cephalophus is that they all have the same distinctive body type, although the different species vary in size.

Blue Duikers are monogamous mammals.

Blue duikers are the best-known species and are probably the most likely candidates for microlivestock (see page 3321.

cephalophus is in the other genus.

Characteristics A striking peculiarity of the duikers in the genus Cephalophus is that they all have the same distinctive body type, although the different species vary in size.

Color The smallest of the duikers is the blue duiker, and The largest is the yellow-backed duiker,

Duikers are small, shy antelopes.

Het PADI systeem voor het opleiden van duikers is gebaseerd op progressieve opleiding, waarin de leerling in stappen geïntroduceerd wordt tot vaardigheden, veiligheid relevante informatie en kennis over de plaatselijke onderwater omgeving.

In many zoological institutions duikers are in trouble, and a lack of quantitative data and published studies is compromising the husbandry, nutrition, and health of these often overlooked species.

Infant care in zebra duikers is extremely important for both females and males, especially because of the long gestation period.

Many duikers are found to the west of Nigeria in rainforests and other wooded areas.

Predators:Humans, eagles, lions, leopards, among many othersDuikers are small antelopes that inhabit forest or dense bushland.

The captive propagation of duikers is a timely concern given the accelerating bushmeat trade and habitat destruction within the range of most duiker species.

The smallest of the duikers is the blue duiker, which in East Africa is found in Uganda, western Kenya and parts of Tanzania.

Verder worden ritten te paard of met kameel aangeboden en voor duikers is deze badstad een paradijs.

While some species of duikers are extremely common and have a very wide distribution in sub-Saharan Africa there are others, such as Ader’s, Abbott’s, Jentink’s and Zebra duikers that are now very rare and endangered.

A striking peculiarity of duiker in the genus Cephalophus is that they all have the same distinctive body type, although the different species vary in size. (Full text)

The generic name Cephalophus is derived from kephale (Greek), the head, and lophus (Greek), a crest, referring to the prominent tuft of hair on the forehead of this, and most other, duiker species. (Full text)

The genus Cephalophus is derived from kephale (Greek), the head, and lophus (Greek), a crest, referring to the prominent tuft of hair on the forehead of most duiker species. (Full text)

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